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BirdLife Australia Melbourne Branch



Lillydale Lake Park

  Lilydale, Melways Map 38 Grids E6, E7, F6 to F8 & G6 to G8

Access:  Swansea Road (Map 38 Grid G7)

Facilities:  Parking, toilets, BBQ’s, partial wheelchair access, nature trail

Habitat:  A large recreational lake and retarding basin constructed on Olinda Creek, with construction completed in 1990.  The 100 ha parkland has designated wetlands and island conservation zones.  A ‘Nature Trail’, shared pathways and boardwalks provide easy access to remnant bushland, wetlands and new planting.  A shared pathway leads to the Olinda Wetlands, 1 km south of the main car park.

Map & Information:  Click here   

For additional information about this site and the surrounding area, click the following links:      

Lillydale Lake - History & Development
Lillydale Lake – Environmental Engineering
Nature Trail Brochure
Limestone Quarry Brochure
Cashin’s Flour Mill Brochure

The lake retains the historical spelling of ‘Lillydale’ in its name.

Typical Common Birds include:

Australian Wood Duck; Pink-eared Duck; Pacific Black Duck; Spotted Dove; Australasian Darter; Little Pied Cormorant; Little Black Cormorant; Purple Swamphen; Dusky Moorhen; Eurasian Coot; Masked Lapwing; Galah; Little Corella; Sulphur-crested Cockatoo; Rainbow Lorikeet; Eastern Rosella; Laughing Kookaburra; Superb Fairy-wren; White-browed Scrubwren; Brown Thornbill; White-plumed Honeyeater; Red Wattlebird; New Holland Honeyeater; Grey Shrike-thrush; Grey Butcherbird; Australian Magpie; Pied Currawong; Willie Wagtail; Little Raven; Magpie-lark; Welcome Swallow; Common Blackbird; Common Starling; Common Myna.

Other Possible Birds include:

Grey Teal; Australasian Grebe; Australian Pelican; White-faced Heron; Royal Spoonbill; Crimson Rosella; Striated Thornbill; Spotted Pardalote; Striated Pardalote; Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike; Golden Whistler; Grey Fantail; Red-browed Finch; House Sparrow.

Outings Bird Lists: For a Bird List of all recent BirdLife Melbourne Outings to this site, click here



Updated: 20-Sep-2012